Thursday, September 3, 2020

Social Thought and Social Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Thought and Social Change - Essay Example A few scholars have added to the exhaustive perspective on social change, not restricting the comprehension of social change as related with globalization alone. Of these scholars come three of the mainstays of humanism, whose musings have been applied even today. These scholars incorporate Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim. Their ideas may have a few strands of uniqueness, yet these ideas were combined to framing a solitary praxis for scholastic joining. As indicated by Daniel Bell (1999 refered to in Kalantzis and Kope, 2008), a social scientist from Harvard University, â€Å"post-mechanical society† is a term begat to allude to â€Å"new standards of developments, new methods of social association, and [the rise of the] new classes in society†¦ [highly featuring] the codification of hypothetical information and the new connection of science to technology.† what's more, the post-mechanical society is additionally portrayed by a fast developing help part with an emphasis on data scattering and present day innovative drives that use broadly human information and not human muscles (Bell, 1973, p.127). During Marx’s time, the ruling classes engaged with the creation framework are the low classes and the bourgeoisie, with the last own the methods for creation. In the post-modern culture, an enormous and a developing number of laborers are working not in plants of merchandise creation however in administration ve ntures, which are all utilizing their brains and specialized abilities rather than physical quality. This class of laborers, most are experts, are what Bell calls the new class.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cell Phone Technology Essay

Innovation had become engrained in our general public. Wherever individuals are utilizing mobile phones, including kids and young people. Wireless innovation and innovation by and large have change the manner in which we do everything in our general public. Innovation has significantly adjusted our reality. They have become an important piece of regular daily existence to such an extent that it is spilling into the instruction world as another device in spite of the worry of the negative impacts of PDA innovation. There is another wave in certain schools around the United States. There are a few areas that are grasping the utilization of mobile phones in the study hall. Some controls have come around to the reasoning that the utilization of this innovation in the study hall can be of advantage in the getting the hang of setting. There are likewise worries that a similar innovation can be too diverting for understudies. In any case, the utilization of mobile phones in the instructive world merits taking a gander at in spite of a portion of the worries that numerous grown-ups share. Messaging has become the favored strategy for essential correspondence among adolescents and their companions. Seventy-five percent of 12-multi year olds own mobile phones, which is up from forty-five percent in 2004 (Lenhart, 2010). Telephones have no uncertainty become an irreplaceable instrument in correspondence for adolescents. Eighty-eight percent of adolescent mobile phone clients are content errand people (Lenhart, 2010). The greater part (fifty-four percent) are every day texters. Among all youngsters, the utilization of messaging has overwhelmed the recurrence of each other type of correspondence. The worry about the abuse of PDAs is that it might have negative results in teenager’s training.  ¼ of instant messages that teenagers send are sent during class. A review gathered information, surveyed 1,013 adolescents eighty-four percent that have mobile phones show that a critical number of understudies have data put away on their telephones or has messaged answers to their companions. A similar survey likewise discovered youngsters send 440 instant messages seven days by and large, 110 of them sent during class (Toppo, 2009). Hence phone use is precluded for use during the school say inside most government funded schools in the United States. Most organizations and instructors feel that PDA utilization is a negative interruption and obstacle to learning. Heads are regularly worried about the improper utilization of mobile phones, which is the explanation that there are limitations of PDA (as per Obringer and Coffey, 2007, St. Gerard, 2006). Phones ringing can introduce undesirable interruption and for certain understudies, sending and getting instant messages that can prompt cheating (as indicated by Gilroy, 2003). There is additionally the genuine chance of understudies posting ill-advised pictures is a worry (as indicated by Obringer and Coffey, 2007). Be that as it may, many are deciding to see mobile phones as another learning device in the study hall setting. Throughout the years we have seen on the report about understudies posting ill-advised photographs and language on long range interpersonal communication destinations, which makes overseers and educators have a genuine concern. These worries that many have are substantial, and ought to be tended to. There have been numerous cases in which the maltreatment of mobile phones has been a tremendous issue, yet chairmen need to take a risk on utilizing PDAs in this setting. The significant thing to remember that there is drawback, indeed, yet there is an approach to screen the utilization of this innovation as well. PPCD instructor Debra Vela, who has 17 years of encouraging experience says, â€Å"Sexting, posting of inappropriate photographs and cheating might be a genuine concern, however the advantages exceed these negative points.† Students today are alluded to as â€Å"Digital Natives† (as indicated by Prensky, 2001). They have grown up with innovation and performing vari ous tasks, and in the propensity for rapidly preparing data (Humble-Thaden, 2011). In any case, as phone innovation extends with the conceivable outcomes of messaging, web perusing and gaming have expanded over the ongoing years and chairmen are as yet stressed over the interruptions of electronic gadgets. A review of understudies and guardians by the gathering Common Sense Media found that just about 70% of schools around the nation boycott mobile phone use during the school day (Schachter, 2009). There are a few areas and executives, however that are starting to understand the capability of mobile phones. It is a section a â€Å"anytime, anywhere† learning development (Schachter, 2009). This leaves PCs and much littler netbooks behind, in favor for increasingly portable, moderate and solid handheld gadgets like â€Å"smartphones† that can run such projects as Windows Mobile. â€Å"Technology has at long last advanced to where cell phones are modest and incredible enough to use,† watches Elliot Soloway, a teacher at the University of Michigan (Schachter, 2009). An investigation of twenty-five versatile learning activities worldwide by the Joan Ganz Cooney Foundation Center at Sesame Workshop blessed them the flood of things to come. â€Å"Just as Sesame Street help changed TV into a progressive device for learning among small kids four decades back, propels in portable innovations are indicating undiscovered instructive potential for today’s generation,† the report author’s composed (Schachter, 2009). In 1969, the manner in which kids learned changed when Sesame Street publicized on PBS. The cherished Muppets of the instructive show caught the hearts and consideration of little children. The show showed them the rudiments of 123’s and ABC’s to the significance of fellowships. Prior to the age of four, kids had just taken in the nuts and bolts for their future instruction by watching this network show. The equivalent is occurring today with the utilization of PDAs. It is definitely changing the essence of the manner in which kids learn and take data in. Fifth graders at Trinity Meadows (Keller, TX) went through the greater part of their days on their HTC 6800 cell phones, utilizing the GoKnow’s stage. Fifty-five understudies drove the route in a test case program utilizing the new age of mobile phones and their cutting edge innovation for instructive finishes. For instance, understudies can draw the close planetary system on their gadgets and enliven them to show them in genuine obit. Understudies can likewise transfer assignments the educator sends to the server and afterward the instructor can review them and submit them back to the understudy e lectronically (Schachter, 200). At an early age, kids are learning the benefits of innovation, and will convey it into what's to come. They are figuring out how to utilize phones as a learning instrument, and making the best of what this innovation brings to the table. Youngsters today get an opportunity to communicate innovatively and learn such that they know about. They are at a bit of leeway since they are as of now so use to utilizing the innovation the world brings to the table. â€Å"Allowing youngsters to utilize wireless innovation in the study hall will give them the instruments for greater inventiveness to make superb projects,† Vela says. This test case program has indicated that the utilization of mobile phone innovation in the homeroom can be good for the understudies. Not just that the educators have another technique for arriving at understudies that they in any case would not have. With the utilization of mobile phone educators have better approaches for showing exercises, and the intuitiveness of these exercises are bound to arrive at the psyches of understudies. With the utilization of PDA innovation in the study hall the kids that need a progressively inventive outlet this gives them stage to do as such. Youngsters that n eed this outlet can make and not be secured to pencil, paper, marker, pastels and paste. This permits them to have the option to communicate utilizing the medium that they know best. Utilizing PDAs in the study hall settings as an apparatus empowers them to remain engaged and intrigued by the things that they are learning. Innovation is such a significant piece of regular daily existence, particularly in phone advancements. What's more, in light of the expanding improvement of mobile phone innovation has permitted the cutting edge to utilize them in a totally different manner to learn. Despite the fact that, there is worry about the abuse of PDAs, the advantages may exceed the negatives. â€Å"I still think understudies need to get familiar with the ‘old fashion’ way since what occurs if innovation gets inaccessible to them? Additionally understudies should have the option to think carefully for higher learning,† says Vela. Innovation is a magnificent device to use in the homeroom for all age gatherings. They can profit by the intuitiveness of the Internet and all the data that the World Wide Web brings to the table understudies just as educators. Youngsters in today’s study halls have an open door that past ages didn't have. They get the opportunity to establish a major connection with their lives by permitting themselves to utilize mobile phones furthering their potential benefit not their drawback. The innovation of phones has taken over pretty much every part of human movement. Grown-ups just as youngsters have been devoured by the utilization of them, and now it has spilled over into the universe of training. There are numerous worries about the abuse of this innovation, however numerous regions are taking the risk to grasp it and give it a shot in the homerooms. It has been indicated that there are benefits for younger students. Despite the fact that, there is some discussion about this issue it is imperative to recollect that there is a requirement for balance. Reference Lenhart, Amanda. (2010). Teenagers, phone and messaging. Seat Research Center Publications. Recovered 3 June 2012 from Humble-Thaden, Beth. (2011). Understudy Reflective Perception of High School Educational Cell Phone Technology Usage. Diary of Technology Studies. Recovered 3 June 2010 from Toppo, Greg. (2009). Study: Many teenagers use telephones in class to content or cheat. USA Today. Recovered 3 June 2012 from Schachter, Ron. (2009). Cell phones in the homeroom. Area Administrat

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Lamb And The Tiger By William Blake Essays -

The Lamb And The Tiger By William Blake Numerous sonnets composed by a similar creator regularly have comparable topics. The creators as a rule have faith in something unequivocally and their sonnets as a rule reflect such a nature. Here and there artists reflect parts of their own life in their sonnets. In the sonnets The Lamb and The Tiger, by William Blake, the writer talks about comparable topics in both. In the sonnet The Lamb, I decipher that William Blake examines numerous focuses addressing creation and religion. He portrays the sheep just like an object of blamelessness and delicacy when he says Gave thee garments of joy, Softest garments, wooly, brilliant; Gave thee such a delicate voice (line 5). Blake builds up an intricate individual folklore that underlies for all intents and purposes all imagery and thoughts in his work. (Shilstone, p.223) Blake talks about that the maker of the sheep is additionally considers Himself a Lamb. With this he carries strict essentialness into the sonnet. It the New Testament, Jesus of Nazareth is alluded as God's Lamb. There are a couple of topics created in The Lamb. Blake depicts the sheep as image of youth blamelessness. He likewise inquiries concerning how the sheep was brought into reality, which makes reference to another subject of heavenly mediation and how all animals were made. The sonnet is only one pondering inquiry to another (Harmon, p. 361). The Tiger by William Blake depicts the tiger similar to an image of abhorrence. This is shown when Blake says What an iron block? what fear handle, Dare its lethal dread fasten? By rehashing varieties of the word fear in the sonnet, he underlines the malevolence of tiger and the detestable this tiger has. The powerful mammoth is entire universe of experience outside ourselves, a universe of molten creation and decimation, confronted with an alarming marvel (Harmon, p.360). This sonnet additionally contains the subject of creation in that it likewise makes reference to the Lamb. The storyteller questions, Did he who make the Lamb make thee? (line 20) The two sonnets contain numerous likenesses as indicated by their topics. The Tiger was taken from an assortment of sonnets by Blake called The Songs of Experience. These sonnets center around insidious and the significance of understanding the insidiousness around in anticipation of achieving a condition of honesty. In The Songs of Innocence Blake recommends that by recovering the creative mind and wonderment of youth, we could accomplish the objective of mindfulness... the sonnets consequently present perspectives on the world as separated through the eyes and brain of a kid. (Writing, The English Tradition, p. 606) Thou can likewise construe that shrewd can deliver the loss of guiltlessness. In this way, one existing likeness is that the two of them concern the loss of blamelessness. Numerous sonnets from each set are buddy pieces to one another. The Lamb is an image of blamelessness, relating to The Tiger as the token of experience. (Harmon, p. 365) Another common topic between the two works, The Tiger and The Lamb, is the topic of creation and awesome intercession. In the two sonnets Blake examines on different occasions concerning how every wa made. In The Lamb, Blake recommends that the sheep was made by a heavenly being. In The Tiger Blake questions if the tiger was made by the equivalent being that made the sheep. Such interest is a typical topic to the two sonnets. In this way, through the data talked about, it very well may be seen that there exists a typical correlation in two separate works by William Blake. The subjects of the two sonnets are related to one another. In this manner, as per subject it very well may be demonstrated that there exists noteworthy similitudes in these works by William Blake. Works Cited 1. William Harmon, Top 500 Poems (Mew York: Columbia University Press, 1992) 2. Frederick W. Shilstone, British Poetry (Middletown, NY: N&N Publishing Company, 1988) 3. Writing; The English Tradition, Prentic Hall, New Jersey, 1991. - - - - Verse Essays

Monday, June 15, 2020

How to Write a First

First-person essays are an opportunity for a writer to share their personal experiences. They can be funny, inspiring, or challenging to the reader. Either way, the goal of a first-person essay is to forge a connection with the person who is reading it, inviting them to follow along with your personal journey and learn something about themselves in the process.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Informative Speech Outline on Investing in the Stock Market

Chris S COMM 105 Informative Speech 02/07/11 Investing in the Stock Market Introduction I. There is a smile on my face, a tingling feeling throughout my entire body, my day has just turned from mediocre to marvelous as if I had won the Ohio Lottery. II. This is the feeling I have when at 9 AM I check my stock portfolio to see my money grow daily. III. During my deployment with the Army in 2008, I decided that there was no better time to invest in the stock market, and I have been doing so ever since. IV. Today I would like to inform you why to invest in stocks, give you a brief history of recent stock market events, and explain why now is the best time to invest. (Transition): First, I will explain why you should†¦show more content†¦1) For example, if you were to buy 5000 shares of Citigroup stock today, it would cost $24,200. a.) If you were to sell that same amount of stock in a few years at $55.12 per share, you would profit a total of $251,400. Conclusion 1.) As I have explained, stocks have the highest return of any investment. 2.) Fortunately, it is not too late to buy in and make a substantial profit. 3.) In conclusion, buying stocks now can make a poor person very wealthy in years to come given proper research and the tools to do so. Bibliography 1. Anderson, T. M. (2008, November). Best of the Online Brokers. OhioLinks . Academic Search Complete. 2. Davies, P. J. (2008). Liquidity and Leverage: the old-fashioned drivers of a very modern meltdown. Critical Quarterly , 50 (4), 94-106. 3. Kantz, M. (2011). Some investors miss bulls rewards . USA Today , 03b. 4. Keown, A. J. (2010). Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fidel Castro - 2633 Words

There are many views that people have of Cuba’s Fidel Castro. Castro is a figure with opinions on both ends of the spectrum. While he is not worldly popular at this point in his life, he was immensely beneficial to his country. Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba for the past 50 years may not be viewed in the best light, but he did phenomenal things for his people which makes him one of the most undervalued and overlooked political figures. Fidel Castro Ruz was born in Biran, Cuba on August 13, 1926 (Britannica, 2014). Born into a middle class sugar farm owning family, Castro grew up relatively affluent but his origins pointed to anything but a revolutionary career. â€Å"I was born into a family of landowners in comfortable circumstances. We were†¦show more content†¦In Mexico he began to organize a guerrilla voyage to Cuba for a violent uprising against Batista authority (Castro, 2009). On December 2, 1956 Castro, joined by 81 other revolutionaries (which included big names such as Che Guevara, and Jesus Montane), reached the Cuban cost. (Castro, 2009). For the next two years Castro helped the Rebel Army organize their forces throughout the entire island. Here is a timeline of events during the two years during the rise of the rebellion (Frank, 2013): 1957 * 1957 January 17, Castros guerrillas score their first success by sacking an army outpost on the south coast, and started gaining followers in both Cuba and abroad. * 1957 March 13, University students mount an unsuccessful attack on the Presidential Palace in Havana. * 1957 May 28, Castros 26 movement take over an army post in El Uvero. 1958 * 1958 February Castro opens a front in the Sierra de Cristal on Orientes north coast. * 1958 March 13 U.S. suspends shipments of arms to Batistas forces. * 1958 May Batista sends an army of 10,000 into the Sierra Maestra to destroy Castros 300 armed guerrillas. By August, the rebels had defeated the armys advance and captured a huge amount of weaponry. * 1958 November 1 A Cuban aircraft en route from Miami to Havana is hijacked by militants but crashes. The hijackers were trying to land at Sierra Cristal in Eastern Cuba to deliver weapons to Raà ºlShow MoreRelatedFidel Castro5049 Words   |  21 PagesFidel Castro’s Influence on the Cuban Revolution, 1953-1959 The year was 1953 and Fidel Castro was a dashing and daring reformer that was determined to make a impact in a country that was ruled by an unjust president. With the Movement strong and confident, Castro delivered these strong words to his group of men: â€Å"In a few hours you will be victorious or defeated, but regardless of the outcome – listen well, friends – this Movement will triumph. 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Castro’s father, à ngel Castro y Argiz, was a wealthy plantation owner and was an immigrant from Galicia, Spain. His mother, Lina Ruz Gonzà ¡lez, was à ngel’s mistress and house servant while à ngel was still married to Maria Luisa Argota. Castro was educated in many Jesuit boarding schools, from grade school to middle school, in which he was a mediocre student and was not well behavedRead MoreEssay on Fidel Castro3330 Words   |  14 PagesFidel Castro In 1959, a rebel, Fidel Castro, overthrew the reign of Fulgencia Batista in Cuba; a small island 90 miles off the Florida coast. There have been many coups and changes of government in the world since then. Few if any have had the effect on Americans and American foreign policy as this one. In 1952, Sergeant Fulgencia Batista staged a successful bloodless coup in Cuba . Batista never really had any cooperation and rarely garnered much support. 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School hazing Essay Example For Students

School hazing Essay People are obsessed with the interrelation between different demeanors. Weather it be art and literature, matching shoes and shirts, or between men and women. We live in a society full of irreverent and dysfunctional relationships. In-fact, we were lucky enough to live during the time of The Break-up Heard Round the World, other wise known as when Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt broke up. The reason why the masses of literate minds are sucked into this timeless display of courtship is because they themselves have experienced similar relationships and knowing that they are not alone in the miserably bleak world of despair in the vain quest for love and acceptance. The many degrees of alliances, how strong they are, why they are being maintained, and what possible stresses can be applied to them by antagonists are all real world situations. People like to critique other people, and Hamlet is full of many archetype characters. Hamlet is based off of consanguinity, and the ext ream effect it has on people. People have aspirations and people want love. The relationships displayed in Hamlet revolve around personal lives clashing around ambitions. Ambitions driven by greed or revenge. The serpent that did sting thy fathers life/Now wears his crown. (Ghost 1,5) Hamlet talks to his fathers ghost and finds out that his uncle, his fathers own brother killed his father. From here on he is driven to get revenge for his fathers death. The rest of the play he puts on an antic disposition so he can get the information he wants and not have to explain why he is acting they way he is. If everyone thinks that Hamlet is crazy then they will not be suspicious. Hamlet is determined at all costs to kill Claudius from then on. Does it not, think the, stand me now upon-/He that hath killed my king, and whored my mother,/ist not perfect conscience/ To quit him with this arm? (Hamlet 5,2) Hamlet is on the brink of killing Claudius and will soon have the chance. Here, thou incestuous, murd erous, damned Dane,/ Drink off this option. Is thy union here?/ Follow my mother. (Hamlet 5,2) This was said after his duel with Leartes, after he knew he was going to die. He makes Claudius drink from the poisoned cup his mother drank from. One of the last things he does is ensure that his vengeance is complete. Hamlet was not the only one whos relationship with his close acquaintances were altered by revenge, Leartes also plans revenge for his fathers death. Ill touch my point/With this contagion, that if I gall him slightly,/It may be death. (Leartes 4,7) He suggests dipping the sword he is going to duel Hamlet with in poison so that if he is scratched with it, he will die. Claudiuss ambition is driven by his greed, and he kills his own brother because of it. The death of the King sets off a catalyst in the dramatic change in relationships. People have ambitions of their own, and some of them might involve climbing to the top of their career or doing things they believe are the r ight things to do. All people can relate to their craving to obtain what they want from life. Throughout Hamlet the question going through my head is: Where is the love at? People are not only driven for material reasons and vengeance, but also for love. It is basic human nature to want to be loved. Love is the epitome of a relationship, and when that love can not be let loose it changes a person. In Hamlet love is used as a guise to get into power, it is used as a shield for craziness, and it is used as fuel for animosity. Hamlet and Ophelias love was a taboo throughout the whole play. Her father, Polonius, constantly forbade her to be with Hamlet. I would not in plain terms from this time forth/Have you no slander any moment leisure/ As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet. (Polonius 1,3) Polonius was very protective of his daughter, and gave advice to her many times concerning Hamlet, and ultimately had her used by Claudius as a tool to get inside Hamlets head. Frailty thy name is woman I wonder who said that? Supported by her brother Leartes, His greatness weighed, his will is not his own,/ For he himself is subject to his birth. (Laertes 1,3) Ophelias love could not stand up for her. This created inner anxieties in both Ophelia and Hamlet. Polonius did not want her to love with Hamlet just because he was heir to the throne, he also did not think very much of her descision making abilites. Affection? Puh! You speak like a green girl, (Polonius 1,3) Ophelia being bombarded with lecture after lecture, and dissapointment after dissapointment finally goes truly crazy. Crazy not for love, but also because of loss. When her father gets killed by the man she loves she does not know what to do. Now most people can not relate to this ext ream case of parental distaste of ones lover, but many people know exactly what its like for their own parents not accepting their boyfriend or girlfriend. This gets into the inner feelings of what people go through for acceptance not only of themselves, but of people they care about. Polonius is a stubborn man, but he still has compassion for genuine feelings. He eventually is proven wrong in thinking that Hamlet is only after his daughter for her physical features and knows he must try to accept that Hamlet is a genuine person. Come, go with me, I will go seek the king./ This is the very ecstasy of love, (Polonius 2,1) Love and acceptance are basic human needs. People can relate to the extreams and take comfort in the fact that good and bad things happen to everyone, and during tough times and stubborn minds hope is always their. Even if people are not empithetic, they would want to experience compassion if they were put in this situation. The relationships are tied together by a common thread emotions. .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .postImageUrl , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:hover , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:visited , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:active { border:0!important; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:active , .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8 .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud184d8bcf3c736336a684a831dcbcbd8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Use of Nature in The Road Not Taken Road Not Taken Essay Hamlet encompasses many feelings throughout its text. Weather it be love, hate, anger, fear, etc. These emotions are weaved into the relationships that are blatanly shown in each character of the play. The play is not based off of physical objects, it is based off or the relationships expressed.